In 2021, the ASTI Board of Directors decided to share the ASTI training program and emergency planning wisdom with private sector businesses to further expand ASTI's offerings in line with its non-profit status. ASTI now engages with select safety training organizations as approved ASTI Associates.
ASTI Associates are authorized to sell the ASTI Compliance Training and One Plan Playbooks programs to their clients. These state-of-the-art programs are an emergency planning deliverable with over 30 years of development and success.
ASTI also certifies the qualifications for the Associate trainers and the on-going certification of clients who engage the One Plan Playbooks.
Ammonia is a very efficient and safe refrigerant when handled and maintained properly. This course is for those who work around ammonia and offers basic ammonia safety principles, and how to observe all necessary precautions.
This course is designed to cover the skill requirements expected of an Emergency Response Operator as presented in CFR 1910.120(q). The course is designed for ammonia specific users and responders. The Operator will be trained on how to support the emergency response effort by using defensive strategies.
This intensive three-day seminar is designed for all plant personnel that will respond to an ammonia release and engages an incident action plan that involves moving into IDLH-over 300PPM. This course meets OSHA 192.120(q)(6)(iii).
Industrial refrigeration system design and installation, full-service maintenance, repair, compliance services and training.
Brandon Gillott
(209) 505-5576
We work to educate and assist the industry with handling of hazardous chemicals to ensure a safe work environment.
Mark Carlyle
(763) 276-5494
Priority One Safe-T has been in business for over 20 years providing safety training and emergency response & rescue services for the Chemical, Oil & Gas, Energy, and Manufacturing industries.
(417) 553-5209