This is Ammonia- past, present, and future. This video was created by G2i (G2 Innovations) and granted use by the Ammonia Safety & Training Institute.
Our mission is to eliminate ammonia related accidents and injuries by promoting prevention, mitigation, preparedness (PMP) and the One Plan for emergency response. Our vision is that not a single person be harmed by ammonia products.
There are many ways to support ASTI. You can make a donation, become a sponsor, or volunteer your time. Every contribution makes a difference!
From Safety Days, the One Plan, and Assoicate programs, ASTI offers a variety of opportunities to support your needs. Learn how to host or register for an event, engage the One Plan, and promote ammonia safety in your area.
Join our team of volunteers and make a difference in the ammonia industry. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available. Contact us today!
Find out where ASTI is making a difference in the community. We are committed to making ammonia the safest managed hazardous material in the world.
Have a question or want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you. Contact us today and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.